Paranormal Wellington

Cover of Paranormal Wellington: Optimal Edition

Wellington, New Zealand/Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa. A very serious city where serious things happen and only the most serious investigators will thrive. Seriously.


You and your partners will look into supernatural happenings while being recorded for a curious audience. Bumble through! Keep the audience informed! Careful now, don’t get puffed!

Paranormal Wellington is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-4 investigators and 1 director. 

  • Ability rolls that land on Sweet As, Yeah Nah, or Bugger.
  • Talk to the camera to move the investigation along
  • A selection of weird monsters to investigate and sort out
  • A guide to the city and it’s supernatural secrets
  • Guidance for playing Paranormal Wellington in other cities that could be a long way away, like Masterton or Palmerston North
  • Based on John Harper’s World of Dungeons which was Powered by the Apocalypse.

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Featuring a guide to Wellington’s paranormal secrets by horror master Dan Rabarts (Ngāti Porou). He is an award-winning author, editor, and narrator living in Porirua. He is a four-time recipient of New Zealand’s Sir Julius Vogel Award, and three-time winner of the Australian Shadows Award. Learn more at

Downloads and resources:

The original edition is still up on DriveThru but is unlisted. Find it here.

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