Taleturn is a one-person operation, and I’m the person. My name is Morgan Davie and I live in Te Awa Kairangi/Lower Hutt, Aotearoa/New Zealand, just around the harbour from Wellington.
I’ve always been passionate about story, interactivity, and social psychology.
Story fires our imagination like nothing else. We use stories to entertain ourselves, but also to make sense of the world and our place in it. Stories can get their hooks into us so deeply they can change our lives forever.
Interactivity is what takes us beyond the surface of something and motivates us to go deeper. Humans are not designed to sit still as the world lectures us – we love asking questions, opening doors, and turning corners. We love it even more when our actions spark responses. That loop of action-reaction is at the heart of everything from conversation to Space Invaders.
Social psychology decodes the hidden patterns in our behaviour so we can understand ourselves better. One thing is clear: we are social creatures, and almost nothing influences us like other people do. Social psychology provides a wealth of tools to help us grab and hold attention.
All three are great tools for engagement and they link together in powerful ways to support change, exploration and play. If that sounds like something you’re into, or something you need, I’d love to hear from you.