Clive Evil has observed, in his boney skeletony way, that FiveEvil is not a “normal” 5E game. It’s true! This… Read more What actually is 5e, anyway?

Clive Evil has observed, in his boney skeletony way, that FiveEvil is not a “normal” 5E game. It’s true! This… Read more What actually is 5e, anyway?
You’re the GM. The player characters set off after the big bad… unaware that the BB knows where they live.… Read more FiveEvil: The Doom Check
The Guardian’s article last week about the 50th anniversary of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was an opportunity for reflection… Read more FiveEvil: Intensity & Texas Chain Saw
Paranormal Wellington is back, and now it’s optimal! This game of spooky and silly supernatural investigation is revised for 2024!… Read more Paranormal Wellington: Optimal Edition
I’ve started adding taleturn games to the storefront. A mix of older games in new formats, and brand new… Read more Taleturn on
Post #6 on hidden goblins in RPGs, and we get right into the weeds with jargon and acronyms and all that good stuff.
#5 in the hidden goblin series takes us into Apocalypse World, for the first ever solution to the hidden goblin problem.
Post #4 in the hidden goblin series. Nine great games to think about in terms of the hidden play in tabletop RPGs!
The 3rd post in the series on hidden goblins goes to “Ravenloft”, which isn’t really known for its goblins if I’m honest.
This is part two of a series about the hidden goblin problem in RPGs. Goblin illustration above by Tony Diterlizzi,… Read more Handling the hidden goblin